Special Thanks.

San Antonio Shriner's

We would like to thank the San Antonio Shriner's for allowing us to film our Doritos commercial at their auditorium. We greatly appreciate you and your help!!

REd Cinema Digital 

We would like to give a special thank you to RED Cinema Digital for allowing us to use their logo and name for our "Possession" Film. We look forward to working with you more on our future projects. 

Great Video Maker 

We want to say thank you to GVM for allowing us to use their logo and name on our film "Possession"! 

Lala's Gorditas

We would love to give "Lala's Gorditas" a special thank you for catering amazing food on our film "Posession"! 

The cottage of Helotes

We would love to give David a special thanks for allowing us to film in his shop and for being an extra in our film "Possession"! 

The Shack

We would like to give a special thanks to The Shack for catering their delicious food on set of our film "Possession"!